Swarovski: Crystal Clear Superiority for Decades
Posted by The Wish Pearl on 2020 Sep 10th
Believe it or not, the name Swarovski has been with us for over a century, and it has still not lost its luster as the best of the best in glass crystals today. The Wish Pearl is proud to include hundreds of these crystals in our jewelry.
But did you know that the Rockefeller Christmas tree in New York City has a huge Swarovski crystal at its top? When you are driving during the night, perhaps you see Swarovski crystals on a road sign.
Precision is the name of Swarovski’s game. Whether it is a giant crystal like the one in New York or the tiny ones featured on our beautiful jewelry, there is a very exact manufacturing and creative process behind each one.
Daniel Swarovski was born in what is now the Czech Republic in 1862, which was at that time known as Bohemia. Producing glass was what Bohemia was known and it didn’t hurt that his father was a glass cutter. He owned a small factory at which Swarovski learned the art of cutting glass.
He eventually formed A.Kosmann, Daniel Swarovski & Co., a jewelry company, eventually receiving a patent for a machine that could cut crystal with greater precision than anyone at that time. There is that word again, “precision.”
By the 1920s, Swarovski crystal was in great renown in the areas of dance and fashion, working with couturiers which continued through post World War II. Coco Chanel used Swarovski crystals a lot in her fashions and they were in the movie “Gentlemen Prefer Blonds” with Marilyn Monroe.
The company is 100% family-owned to present.
Some of the examples of our Swarovski embellished jewelry are: a myriad of earrings, including Clear Crystal, Sapphire Blue Stone, Coral Crystal, and so much more. Just take a look at the website and they will sparkle through.
So when you choose our jewelry, anything with crystals is backed not only by The Wish Pearl name but that of the world-famous quality that is Swarovski.